Monday 16 November 2015

Logistic and Resources


is defined as a business planning framework for the management of material, service, information and capital flows It includes the increasingly complex information, communication and control systems required in today's business environment
he science of planning, organizing and managing activities that provide goods or services
Example of Logistic 

is a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organisation in order to function effectively.

as well a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed. 2 the collective wealth of a country or its means of producing wealth.
An example of rescues 
i would like to show example in this image 

My work / Logistic 

First of  I will shoot couple of image of the product that I am about make 
Shoot of cigarettes 

I will chose my final piece of work. 
I will use Photoshop software to re-sized 


     My work / Resources 
I am about create a poster a poster about anti smoke for public heath. so i am planing to gather the materials for instance a camera phone camera or digital camera. location,object,cigarette,computer,software,Photoshop,  

Summary of of idea

In terms of logistics, I realize that I will need to show different stages of planning and development of my idea, from initial research, deciding where images will come from, and each stage of development from early outline of the design, to deciding on how to include text, to completing and presenting the finished product.

In terms of resources, I will be relying on both Apple Mac and PC computers at college with Photoshop for development of the design, and MS word or power-point to describe key stages.

Legal and ethical issues would only need to be considered in terms of any copyright belonging to any images I would use in my design which may belong to others. I need to make sure that all images used are fully credited.

I do not intend to use any images that could cause upset, such as explicit or racist material, but make a learning product on how to use Photoshop, that could be understood and enjoyed by all.

Monday 5 October 2015


What is my design 

Digital graphic design

I am about to design a poster  probably i will use Photoshop to create fine one and some online option to get the best idea how to deliver a fine one. At the moment i have no idea what type of poster i will design but i have the thoughts of it already and will be design very shortly.

I am writing this about my poster that how i am gonna first of all i will photograph my own headphone with DLR. Probably use Photoshop to create a fine poster because Photoshop is the best software to create such a poster. The high quality poster,lighting effect, color effect,crop and all those piece of work is going to be on Photoshop.

Target audience
The audience that i am thinking of is about 17-21 cause the poster will have lot of fun images and very interesting cause apparently the younger audience mostly like something really funny,movable,inspiring and digital work.
Baring in mind


Example's   :

                               i like this poster its quite simple and tells you lot grey background,black music                        installment. This poster is belong to one of Eminem's rap song  

  • this poster is clearly tell you about stop-smoking by one look and i like they put all things together. so Basically they poster is clearl
    Add caption


Pitching Technique 

I select couple of images for example 
look at them to get an idea how to create a poster.
By looking at their poster finally got know about their technique.
IT  was my kind of technique as well 
Researching on online is was technique as well getting ideas.

Digital editing
punctuation skills
  Body language

Body language- body language should be clear depending what u present like hands on the hips crossed arms. some people keep moving and with different hand gesture. 
But i think body language should something professional and should impress the audience if your 
presenting something paragraph or during speech.

Your presentation should be grammatically clear. every sentence and dotes comma should be placed in right place. Your speech or presentation should be proper grammatically correct.                                                                                                                                                                             
Grammar is really important in your speech or anything you present wether its a small writing paragraph  or something you have in your mind and trying to speech it out should be correct in grammar. grammar is the most important matter in speech paragraph or anything else u present .

Spelling is important while you presenting a pitch or any word document,paragraph.

Style of presentation is all so important. it shows how you presentation. for instance talking style body style a class outfit.

Before you discuss your presentation pitch you have to be prepared. You have to practice on your subject or what ever you want to discuss.

During your presentation you should be patient let your audience have their opinion your question.
patient in every setup at presenting your pitch your speech.
Be patient during listening.

Your writing work and your speech should be in formal. If your trying to be professional as much as you can you should concentrate on formal pitch or speech.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

This is my mind map
Ideas-writing-planing, About my project 

This is a mind map to show written generation of ideas for my project.

Verbal Generation of ideas

I have also discussed the ideas for my project with other people in my class, with my tutor  and with friends. This sharing of ideas helps to bounce ideas back and forth and to discuss what would be practical or even sound interesting to others. This verbal generation and sharing of ideas has helped me to decide in choosing the poster design I want to use for my own project.

Monday 28 September 2015

Monday, 28/2015

Why planing and pitching is important

By creating a media product from perspective the first thing in my mind comes is up is to think about idea how shot or how to create. then research about the idea to gain my own idea what can i add next to it. and to get the best work you have to plan for each work individually. make sure where want to shoot your product location,teamwork,ideas. pitching for client you have to describe all your work with  specific details. for instants how you shoot the video which technic have you used camera angles and how you edit the video and audio. what type of lighting have you used at background how you covered the microphone for audio quality and video. where you have edited the products what software you run for this projects. whats good about this video you have to pitch and explain to your client. the video quality the video size. and you have to think about budget,audience, sell,
Written generation of ideas 
The written work on a ideas is biased on ideas and key features. Whether you need ideas for blogging, essays, creative nonfiction, poems, short stories or novels, ideas abound. These suggestions can inspire many genres, including fiction, but people writing short stories or novels will benefit from a few genre-specific approaches, which I’ll include toward the end.