Monday 16 November 2015

Logistic and Resources


is defined as a business planning framework for the management of material, service, information and capital flows It includes the increasingly complex information, communication and control systems required in today's business environment
he science of planning, organizing and managing activities that provide goods or services
Example of Logistic 

is a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organisation in order to function effectively.

as well a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed. 2 the collective wealth of a country or its means of producing wealth.
An example of rescues 
i would like to show example in this image 

My work / Logistic 

First of  I will shoot couple of image of the product that I am about make 
Shoot of cigarettes 

I will chose my final piece of work. 
I will use Photoshop software to re-sized 


     My work / Resources 
I am about create a poster a poster about anti smoke for public heath. so i am planing to gather the materials for instance a camera phone camera or digital camera. location,object,cigarette,computer,software,Photoshop,  

Summary of of idea

In terms of logistics, I realize that I will need to show different stages of planning and development of my idea, from initial research, deciding where images will come from, and each stage of development from early outline of the design, to deciding on how to include text, to completing and presenting the finished product.

In terms of resources, I will be relying on both Apple Mac and PC computers at college with Photoshop for development of the design, and MS word or power-point to describe key stages.

Legal and ethical issues would only need to be considered in terms of any copyright belonging to any images I would use in my design which may belong to others. I need to make sure that all images used are fully credited.

I do not intend to use any images that could cause upset, such as explicit or racist material, but make a learning product on how to use Photoshop, that could be understood and enjoyed by all.

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