Monday 16 May 2016

UK Film Festival Poster

How to make a poster 
First of all i googled some images to get an idea how to create an poster and as well how to design at fine. I made plane for each part of my poster for instance where I have to write and where I have to place different images. From my perspective its really important to plane and pitch for any particular work so i went setup by setup. Well every one has a different perspective of designing when it comes out to edit or drew something so everyone had different design on their mind.

Here are some example of film posters. online researching, particular websites.

First of all I have opened a new file or you can say A4 international paper i did chose A4 international because I thought the best way to produce a poster but then up to what type of paper you chose. An screen shot to show how it looks like A4 international paper to make it easier.
So first off all I add new layer or you can say a new "Photo" I dragged in and then I cropped and re-sized and fit at the left side of poster here I got an screen shoot.

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